Monday, August 3, 2015

Fun with Flannels


With fall around the corner, we've been thinking a lot about the essentials. Fall is a time for comfortable, yet fashionable choices in your wardrobe, and flannels are a must. We've got the tricks and techniques to help you style your flannel to look festive this fall!

 If it's still a bit warm, you can always tie your flannel across your waist! This look is adorable and convenient if taking your look in to the nighttime.

Flannel around the waistEasy layored , simple style, street fashion , layored

If you're going out for the day and want to keep warm, layering is key! Flannels look great under jackets and vests.

Military Vest - Buffalo Check @Marshalls #fabfound @Alexandra M What Wear

 For a more sophisticated look, try pairing your flannel with nice jeans and a heeled boot! Perfect for a nice lunch date in town.

Love me some flannel....especially with heels.

Navy blazer and flannel shirt for fall...add messy hair..up and different handbag